Demonic Delusion: The Dark Side, Fear & Self-Deception – Jay Dyer (Half)

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Published On October 11, 2021 » 3138 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Audio/mp3, Bible, Featured, History, Psychology/Sociology, Religion, The Jay Show, Theology, Video

Today I want to discuss the dark truths around the notions of delusion and self-deception. How is it possible to deceive ourselves? Do demons play a role in this process? What about drugz and the use of hallucinog3ns to achieve access to other realms, dimensions and illumination? Is there a progress into a demonic inversion of theosis where we become more and more evil? Do the demons empower those who align with them? This is the free half of a talk and the full can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis below. Live at 3PM CST 

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