Vedic Jesus? Gnostic Jesus? Who is the Real Jesus?

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Published On August 11, 2021 » 2035 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Bible, Books/Literature, Featured, Philosophy, Religion, The Jay Show, Theology, Video


Live at 745 PM CST tonight! A rising trend among disaffected moderns and dissidents is the attempt to recast Jesus into another kind of figure: a Hindu mystic sage!  As we will see, the approach of this new portrayal relies on a few ancient heresies reimagined.  Much like the “gnostic Jesus,” we will see the inconsistency in this approach, to the point of flat out contradictions.  The gnostic and Vedic revisions of Jesus are becoming popular online pathways into Hinduism, perennialism, and Neo Paganism, but as we will see, these recasts are absurd, false and self-refuting. This is the video I will be responding to, an individual with a PhD in religious studies who thinks Jesus is a Vedic sage.

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