Debate! Pagan vs. Orthodox: Logos, Language & Metaphysics – Jay Dyer Vs CB Robertson

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Published On May 19, 2021 » 2209 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Audio/mp3, Bible, Featured, History, Philosophy, The Jay Show, Theology, Video

I spent 3 hours reworking the audio so pretend along with the vaporware its 1987 and you are listening to an old cassette tape – nothing I can do about it, wasn’t recorded by me. I am reposting it because it’s still a good debate, and so far one of the better debates we’ve had against professed pagans. We cover his take on Christian arguments, language and logos in Homer and Hellenism, metaphysics and language, morals and absolute evil, Nietzsche and epistemology and more! As we always see, paganism always devolves into subjectivism and relativism. His IG is: @caffeineandphilosophy

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