Papal Infallibility, Council Dogmas & Protestant Millennialism – Jay Dyer/ Fr Dcn Ananias Q n A

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Published On April 15, 2021 » 2312 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Audio/mp3, Bible, Featured, History, Philosophy, Religion, The Jay Show, Theology, Video

Tonight we ended up not covering the work by St. Theodore the Studite On the Holy Icons which forms part of the theological basis of the argumentation of the 7th Ecumenical Councils.  Instead we did Q n A that covered Protestant assumptions, ecumenical councils and the canons – are canon laws infallible? – addressing the recent bogus Roman Catholic canard that I “deny councils,” the issue of icons as types, typology and hermeneutics, Protestant standards for “revelation” versus “tradition,” the issue of the divine ideas and Roman Catholic and Protestant epistemology and much more!

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