Jay Dyer on Tragedy & Hope 7: Cold War Psy Ops & the Bomb Almighty (Half)

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Published On September 29, 2018 » 3299 Views» By admin » Archives, Audio/mp3, Books/Literature, Espionage, Featured, Geopolitics, Global Elite Books Series, History, Philosophy, Psy Ops, Video

This is the first half of a full talk which can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month or 60.00 per year at the purchase membership link. We continue the 7th lecture with the rise of the military industrial complex, the Cold War and its massive espionage apparatus, the psychological warfare behind the “bomb almighty,” as well as the real Illuminati again peeking through the pages of Quigley to reveal their faces. This is one of the most important sections of Tragedy and Hope – a must-listen!

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