Open Debate! Pope Francis Does It Again! Dubia & The Blessing of Gae Unions & Vatican 1 – Jay Dyer

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Published On October 4, 2023 » 1745 Views» By admin » Archives, Audio/mp3, Bible, Featured, Geopolitics, History, Philosophy, Psychology/Sociology, Religion, The Jay Show, Theology, Video

Today we will have open forum on all things Roman Catholic and papal. We will look at the Roman Catholic Dubia (questions) posed to Francis and the answers, as well as reminding Roman Catholic of what Vatican 1 actually says. Can a valid pope be a heretic? Do papal dogmas contradict? Have we seen a change in Roman Catholic moral theology (which is part of dogma – faith & morals)? What is the longterm plan for these recent changes? The very fact that the pope is being questioned on his statements shows the pope does not being doctrinal clarity and unity, by the way.

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