We are going to analyze and deconstruct the recent debate between Ubi and Militant Thomas concerning he Filioque. Their debate focused on the theological and historical issues, but were the citations accurate from MT? Do the Cappadocians teach what MT attributes to them? Snek and David join me. “All the things the Father has belong to the Son, except causality.” -St Gregory the Theologian
Filioque book analysis https://youtu.be/D7seUySSK0o
Dr Branson on monarchia https://youtu.be/1Z7lLMK1ZLc
Filioque essay: https://youtu.be/D7seUySSK0o
The debate is here: https://youtu.be/wiECHK2VqFU
Vatican clarification https://www.usccb.org/resources/filioque-a-church-dividing-issue.pdf
David is here: https://www.youtube.com/@therealMedWhite