The Pros & Cons of Enlightenment: New Jay Dyer Book

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Published On July 15, 2022 » 4108 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Audio/mp3, Books/Literature, Culture, Espionage, Featured, Geopolitics, History, Philosophy, Psy Ops, Religion, Theology, Video

Jay Dyer of guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down the truth behind the philosophy of enlightenment.

The new book deserves a proper tour, which we will kick off in Nashville July 30! Saturday from 4-10 PM! The KGB sorcerer is at it again with a new live event featuring an hour of absurdity and nonsense cringe, followed by an hour of total seriousness concerning the new book, and then open Q n A for another couple hours on geopolitics, philosophy, theology, etc., and then book signing! The event will also include a “debate” with a secret, unknown mystery debater opponent as well as Jamie Hanshaw! Event also includes private security and cameras.

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