Pagan Philosophy, Pagan Virtue, Epistemology & Natural Law – Jay Dyer / Fr Dcn Ananias

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Published On April 18, 2022 » 1954 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Audio/mp3, Books/Literature, Featured, Philosophy, Psychology/Sociology, Religion, The Jay Show, Video

Fr Dcn Dr Ananias joins me to cover the basics of epistemology, how do we view pagan classical literature as Orthodox? How do we appreciate and utilize the notions of pagan virtue without accepting the idea of “natural theology,” given we have critiqued this idea so often from Roman Catholicism. What are the extremes we should avoid between a Puritanical rejection of “philosophy,” verses the opposite extreme of reinterpreting Christianity to be a cloak for some autonomous philosophical project or system (like Origenism or Hegelianism). How does natural law relate to the virtues as found in classical pedagogy and literature? Live at 8PM CST

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