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Published On April 7, 2022 » 2553 Views»
Apologetics, Archives, Audio/mp3, Books/Literature, Culture, Esoteric Hollywood Episodes, Esoteric/Speculation, Espionage, Featured, Film Review/Analysis, Geopolitics, History, Philosophy, Psychology/Sociology, The Jay Show, Video
“My guest this week is Jay Dyer. Jay produces a ton of content, including two books, over at JaysAnalysis.com. Today, he and I discuss the groups behind much of the evil that is directed at us on a daily basis. Through controlling various arms of pop culture including media, Hollywood, governments, etc they have their tentacles everywhere. Well, who the heck are “they”? How do we beat them? Are we fighting against men? I read somewhere that it’s deeper than that ;-). We shall examine it all on this episode of the Counterflow Podcast.“