DEBATE!: Energies, Universalism, Protestantism & Justification – Jay Dyer

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Published On March 8, 2022 » 1920 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Audio/mp3, Bible, Featured, Philosophy, Religion, Theology, Video

0:01 Best part 7:26 Introduction 22:00 Universalism, David Bentley hart 1:08:17 Analytic-synthetic distinction, empiricist dogmas 1:22:34 Monarchism vs Democracy 1:32:20 Schism, evangelism, apostolic succession. evidentialism. 1:57:00 Protestantism and the creation of the modern west 2:05:40 Roman Catholic inquirer 2:10:30 Created vs uncreated energies 3:06:50 Rachel Wilson, occult femenism 3:10:50 Orthodox prayer for the departed 3:21:30 Election, Predestination. Sola fide 3:34:40 Orthodox sources of dogma 3:41:50 Pragmatism 3:54:00 Correct Canon 4:01:30 Superchats and promotions 4:25:30 Atheist Coomer

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