BUSINESS CHURCH: Mega-Churches, Marc Driscoll, Calvinism & Collapse – Jay Dyer

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Published On December 26, 2021 » 3261 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Audio/mp3, Bible, Culture, Featured, Philosophy, Religion, The Jay Show, Theology, Video


Today I will be giving my analysis of the Mega church phenomenon, the origins in positive thinking, the connections of these movements to intelligence fronts and cut outs, the cultish aspect of many of these spin-off religions and CEO pastor-gurus, the schemes and strategies used, as well as an analysis of Calvinism and its heresies, including the bizarre mix of megachurch plus calvinism plus charismaticism. I will be analyzing the “Christianity Today” podcast series which did an entire season on Mars Hill and Driscoll from their liberal perspective. I will be analyzing both and showing how both are wrong. No, you won’t need to hear all the CT mars hill episodes to follow my analysis. The most relevant CT podcast episode is this one.  Live at 315 PM CST 

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