The Vatican, Natural Theology & The Denial of the Trinity – Open Forum Q n A / Debate Part 2

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Published On November 9, 2021 » 1781 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Audio/mp3, Bible, Featured, Philosophy, Religion, The Jay Show, Theology, Video

Part 2 due to stream issues. Today we will have open forum Q n A and debate concerning the Vatican support for the new “Abrahamic Faith Center” based on Francis’ joint statement with the Grand Imam, with the explicit acceptance of humanism. Having become primarily a geopolitical tool / NGO, the Vatican is now positioning itself to become the head of the world religions, with a new sense of “Petrine Office” extending to a federation of the world religions. Shedding any pretenses of traditional Christianity, the Vatican is openly fostering the Antichrist system of the world, just as Dostoyevsky’s famous Grand Inquisitor chapter predicted it would. As a result, the Roman Catholic world is captive to various strong delusions causing them to double down on bizarre, heterodox ideas that result in the denial of the Triad and the necessity of Christ for salvation. We will be taking superchats and Discord questions and debate challenges.

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