Objective Dogma, Refuting Atheists & Orthodox Epistemology

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Published On October 26, 2021 » 1487 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Audio/mp3, Bible, Featured, Philosophy, Religion, The Jay Show, Theology, Video

“While most of us are spending time on Netflix.. he is in his books, sharpening his mind… edifying Christians throughout the world.  All for the veneration and glorification of our Triune God on the public stage.”

00:00:00 Introduction
00:05:00 Epistomological mistakes of the empiricists atheists
00:08:50 Bad argumentations and fallacies from atheists
00:17:52 Trancendental argument for God
00:29:27 General revelation & special revelation
00:31:40 How is atheism destroying civilization?
00:39:03 Why are most atheists from protestant background?
00:45:54 Why i became an orthodox and why be one.
00:49:33 Are you saved when you are an orthodox?
00:52:50 Schismatic moments in Orthodoxy?
00:55:43 Presuppositional apologetics with Orthodoxy
01:02:28 Dialogues between Islam & Christianity
01:07:30 Why is the anti-christian spirit so prevelant?
01:11:23 Being influenced by anti-christianity.
01:14:08 Terrified by the reality of Christ

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