Next up in the long list of debates is the popular Hitchens Vs D’Souza debate over the existence of God. It’s another debate I have not yet seen, but if any of the other debates are an indicator, my hopes are not very high. I don’t know D’Souza’s approach but I assume it will be standard fare evidentialism. As an added bonus, the first 15 mins or so will be an analysis of a presentation by Skeptic (TM) Dr. Michael Shermer, with his “arguments” against God’s existence. As you know, these debate review and analyses are intended to illustrate why TAG and transcendental argumentation is the correct approach to this issue, as opposed to “natural theology,” evidentialism and the bogus notion of epistemic neutrality. Live at 405 PM CST!
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One Response to The God Debate: Hitchens vs. D’Souza & Dr. Michael Shermer REACTION & REVIEW – Jay Dyer