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Published On June 30, 2021 » 2467 Views»
80s arcana, Archives, Culture, Esoteric Hollywood Episodes, Esoteric/Speculation, Featured, Film Review/Analysis, Philosophy, Psychology/Sociology, Science
I’ve forgotten how many Spider-Mans we are into reboots, but the 2012 Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone installment seems curiously relevant now, given the theme of mutating man I’ve been covering. Back to our Salk and Koestler analyses, we’ve chronicled the attempt of the technocratic elite to intentionally engineer, experiment and mutate man to become post-human. The desire to “steer” evolution is really a fool’s game and only as legitimate as the notion of evolution itself, which we have seen many times over is nothing more than a modern fairy tale version of a Greek myth. Indeed, Hollywood films are mainly the reason most people believe in evolutionary dogma.
In the 2012 Spider-Man, bully whisperer Gwen (Stone) befriends the eccentric, spergy Peter Parker (Garfield) after a tense day of Hollywoodish high school. Peter lives with his maximum boomered Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, learning his father’s genetic modification research into spiders was almost stolen. Parker’s father was a chief geneticist at OSCORP (aka Monsanto) and was apparently assassinated while specifically working on cross species genetic engineering. The present head of OSCORP is Dr. Connors who is a student of snakes and serpents who can regrow limbs – ergo, the ability to regrow limbs could hold the secrets to overcoming human weaknesses and thus transhumanism. It’s odd how many comic book stories relating to mutants and mutations are cautionary tales, yet here we are in 2021, 9 years after Spider Man 2012 and now the prevalent propaganda has turned to its opposite: genetic engineering, mutations, implants and global stabby experiments are underway!
Peter ends up bitten by a genetically modified spider at the OSCORP facility while snooping around and the transformation begins: dude is sticky as hell. It’s a good thing he didn’t wander into the GMO tardigrade lab. Regardless, Peter’s pokers now emit thin, wafty lines of spider coom (as one weird theorist speculates). If we brought in the Ariadne and Athena narrative, it would be the coom loom womb – I am joking, Spider Man is not about puberty (although Teen Wolf is).
As a side note, last week Congress just ruled against human-genetic cross engineering, which in my view is merely a way to legalize human experimentation and modification, and not actually about morphing us into X-Men. In fact, I think all the Hollywood and sci fi propaganda about mutating man to “evolve” him is really about conditioning the public to accept the very things occurring now on a mass scale. As if a bunch of science juice will actually grow your leg back and allow you to become an immortal space coomer.
As a bonus, Dennis Leary plays Dennis Leary, an unfunny smoky asshole who’s mad at heck and ready you have what for – new territory for this versatile 90s standup. Is the acidic atheistic, nihilistic standup actually even funny? Back to our story, the OSCORP has decided it needs human trials for the experimental science juice – veterans! Veterans have a long history of being used by the establishment as lab subjects, back to MK Ultra, Vietnam, The Phoenix Program and Gulf War Syndrome being some of the more obvious examples. Is it really surprising the same people behind those events would want a global test tube experiment as a result of the coofid?
From the Golem to Frankenstein to Jekyl and Hyde, the notion of creating, altering and reanimating and cloning man has been a dream of the hermeticists and occultists for centuries: According to Koestler in Ghost in the Machine, the present sacrifice of the world’s population is necessary to achieve the transmutation of man to become post-human. Despite the perennial warnings of history to reject monstrosities and mutations, the frenzy of scientism and its delusions have led to the acceptance of self-destruction precisely due to hubris. As a result of all the genetic experimentation and tweaking on science juice (Surge Cola), things get David Icke pretty quick, as Dr. Connors transitions into full on Chitauri.
To quote David Icke, “The body mind holographic reality known as the 5 sense data matrix overcomes the duality of infinite consciousness having a temporal experience of itself, mate.” As Dr. Connor “evolves,” he decides its time to mutate the entire population with is perfectly tailored aerosolized bio-weapon. As Dr. Connor “evolves,” he decides its time to mutate the entire population with is perfectly tailored aerosolized bio-weapon of green science gas that is cancelled by blue science gas. Moral of the story is, the mad scientist elites are using green and blue science juices and gases to mutate your asses.
The gills…the gulping….
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