Ritual Abuse & Criminal Organizations in Roman Catholicism

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While it’s true that every church or religious organization can suffer from corruption and institutional degradation, the prevalence, prominence and astounding cases of abuse and molestation, including Satanic ritual abuse, in the Roman Catholic Church are unparalleled. The attempt to chalk it all up to “liberal media lies” and “fake news” that Roman Catholic apologists used as their preferred form of cope for the decades of the 80s and 90s eventually cascaded into an undeniable avalanche in the 2000s as thousands and thousands of cases broke. In fact, in Pennsylvania alone, some thousand children were abused, while some 18+ dioceses have declared bankruptcy over paying out abuse settlements.

Indeed, it is difficult to even compose an overview article on this topic, since there are simply too many cases and too many unbelievable and shocking details.   While not every case of the orphanage scandals is necessarily ritual abuse, many cases are and this suggests a definite pattern.  Many assume these events are just “bad apples” in random, disconnected instances, when in fact in some of the key cases like Haut de la Garrene we will see connections to the global pedo network through figures like Jimmy Savile – this case included the recovery of human skulls, and keep mind Savile was known to be a practicing Satanist:

“It sat for 138 days and heard from 650 witnesses including scores of former residents of the home. Men and women described how they had been abused by staff members and sometimes passed on to other sex offenders.

The serial abuser Jimmy Savile was among those accused of attacks at Haut de la Garenne and at a home on the island run by French Catholic nuns, the Sacre Coeur orphanage. Wilfred Krichefski, a Jersey senator and TV executive, now dead, was also named as an alleged abuser.”

With Savile, the connections to the Roman Catholic elite did not merely extend to connections to Catholic orphanages and UK mental hospitals, Savile was close friends with Cardinal O’Brien and received a special Papal Knighthood from John Paul II!  It is absurd to think Savile was not personally vetted by security services before being given such access – Savile himself bragged he was protected from above.  Savile is not the only serial-killer associated individual to be associated with John Paul II, either, as Son of Sam and Dahmer associate John Paul Ranieri also met with JP2.


Satanic pedo being given high award from John Paul II.

Roman Catholic apologists typically hand-wave and dismiss these damning and incriminating cases, but they are not unique: recall that in the infamous Franklin Coverup scandal which bore all the same marks of elite pedo deviancy and blackmail compromise as the recent scandals, it was the Catholic Boys Town that was feeding young men to the network to be used by US political elites.  See the below documentary:

The notion this is restricted to the modernist, liberal Novus Ordo element of Rome, the sad fact is the SSPX and right wing elements are also rife with abusive priests and pedos.  The “trad” world in the last two years has devoted into massive internal collapses and schisms as more and more “trad” abuse scandals break, showing the same deviancy among the traditionalists as in the Vatican II arena.

In the case of other Boys Town networks, the same abuse occurred in Australia where all the same patterns emerged. In Ireland, there was also the famous mass graves of infants bodies and skeletons uncovered, which is unfathomable.  In response, defenders dismiss this as common disease or plague responses, with burials requiring such a response.  However in the case of the Catholic Tuam Home in Ireland, this was the 1950s, not the 1800s.  Furthermore, the account is all the more ominous with the revelation of underground chambers:

“The commission said analysis of selected remains revealed ages of the deceased ranged from 35 weeks to three years old. It found that the dead had been mostly buried in the 1950s, when the facility was one of more than a dozen in Ireland offering shelter to orphans, unmarried mothers and their children. The Tuam home closed in 1961….

“Everything pointed to this area being a mass grave,” Corless previously told the Guardian. She recalled how boys playing in the field had reported seeing a pile of bones in a hidden underground chamber there in the mid-1970s.”

Piles of bones doesn’t sound like plague-time necessity.  It sounds like other cases where there is abuse and even ritual murders.  Lest we again think the ritual element is far-fetched, note that similar details emerged recently in regard to a Scottish Catholic Boys Home where Satanic Ritual Abuse was admitted.  This event even included an Eyes Wide Shut-looking Estate-turned “orphanage”:

“He added: “It was from that day everything I did was under his complete and utter control.”

The inquiry heard “two or three” boys were trafficked around Scotland and Ireland at a time to be used in drink-fuelled sex parties, which he described as “satanic”.

One occasion in Ireland was said to have involved 10 men taking turns to rape the boys.

It was heard priests were among those involved and incidents took place over the duration of his time at St Ninian’s, which was run by religious order the Christian Brothers.”

The exact same pattern was seen recently in the German nun scandal where boys were pimped out to German business men for orgies.  The accounts are unspeakable and show the nuns and abusers were, in my suspicions, linked to the recent German government cases unveiled that display open promotion of abuse throughout the German adoption services.  So, again, the pattern is identical, where the church provides and procures children for the networks to abuse, traffic, ritually abuse and even murder.  There are now dozens of cases that prove this pattern and these networks are connected.  There is not proof of every instance being connected per se, but many cases do show collusion to international networks, in the case of the Savile connect.

Having studied this topic since 2004 when William Kennedy’s book came out (Lucifer’s Lodge) mountains of cases and scandals have broken in the Roman Church as well as its connections to other global rings and networks. Kennedy’s book is no fanciful conspiracy tome, but a collection of the then-available cases (2004) of known Roman abuses.  It’s crucial to understand this phenomenon is not merely relegated to this group or that group, but the reason I often bring this up in regard to Rome is the peculiar prevalence of the ritual nature of the abuse there, as well as the key role the institution of the Vatican plays in global geopolitics.

As the oldest intelligence agency on earth, the Vatican is no stranger to geopolitical intrigue and espionage, as well as black markets and banking scandals.  Indeed, the global pedo blackmail operations are used by malicious operators to maintain control as the Epstein revelations have proven beyond any doubt.  Anyone who has read Wemhoff’s magisterial study of how Rome was coopted by western intelligence agencies in the Cold War already knows how these inter-connections.   Unfortunately, the Roman world is too full of naive but sincere papal apologists who refuse to see their institution long ago abandoned Christ for worldly power, wealth and influence.

This is not to say the Protestant world or the Orthodox world are free from these corruptions: certainly there have been abuse scandals in Orthodoxy, as well as deviant clergy and intelligence compromised bishops and patriarchates.  The difference, however, is in the degree and scope and top-down nature of the corruption in Rome.  Rome is a house of cards – it’s built on the fidelity of one guy – the living guy over in Rome who is supposedly Jesus and Peter’s vicar.  To import Roman Catholic criticisms of “corrupt bishops or a corrupt EP” is not an equivalent tit for tat.

The Orthodox Church is decentralized: we didn’t hang everything on the fidelity of one See, like Vatican I clearly did.  Roman Catholics are also apt to go looking for historical identifiers that supposedly show the Orthodox Church was providentially “cursed” and fell, for example in Byzantium or to the Bolsheviks.  The same logic turns into a “blessing of chastisement” when Roman Catholics hang their heads and brood over Vatican II and Francis.  But in my estimation, if the Roman Catholic Church did depart a millennium or so ago from Orthodoxy and became a sect, and if it was in fact the institution “cursed,” then interpreting the Vatican and its satellites as a gigantic organized crime network for pedos, blackmail, trafficking and even worse seems to line up perfectly with our explanation of Rome’s spiritual apostasy and post-Vatican II acceptance of demonic doctrines.  Indeed, Rome’s present-day apostasy is directly connected to its moral decay and its astoundingly prevalent abuse patterns.

The purpose of this article was just to document some of the important cases, and by no means can be an exhaustive treatment.  In fact, over the past decade many articles and news stories that documented the ritual nature of many of these crimes have been scrubbed and suppressed.  Entire books would be necessary to actually document all these horrible cases.  Many Roman Catholics take my articles like this as personal attacks: I bear no anger or hatred towards Roman Catholics.  I want Roman Catholics to exercise their sincere faith in the true church and to exit the dangerous, spiritually harmful organization which I believe is corrupt form the top.  Doubtles,s there are many sincere and zealous Roman Catholics with no connection to any of these evils, but they need to come out of that enslaving system and find their true home in Orthodox Christianity.  But their “saintly” modern icons like John Paul II are part of this evil:

“Pope John Paul II promoted disgraced former US cardinal Theodore McCarrick for years despite reports of sexual abuse. A new report details who knew what before Pope Francis defrocked him in 2018.”

In fact, recent revelations also show Mother Theresa’s order being investigated for human trafficking:

In conclusion, the Vatileaks scandal appeared to illustrate a key component of what is happening here, which shows these networks and operations long ago compromised the papacy and the Roman Curia.  These revelations of the underground sewer are not new – all of this also came to light in the infamous P2 / Mafia scandal that implicated the Vatican Bank and Roberto Calvi:

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