Top 5 Simple Arguments Against Papal Infallibility / Vatican I

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Published On June 28, 2021 » 2573 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Audio/mp3, Bible, Featured, History, Philosophy, The Jay Show, Theology, Video

The easiest way to refute the system of Roman Catholicism is by comparing the claims of Vatican I with those of Vatican II and the living magisterial teachings of the post-vatican II papacy. Is the Church that called the Crusades the same Church that prays in mosques toward Mecca? Linked below are all the key documents referenced:

Key: Canons of the 7 Councils that contradict Vatican I.

1. Top 5 Original Article.

2. Chieti Document and Analysis.

3. Changes admitted on death penalty.

4. On Pope Leo III and the Creed.

5. On the Creed and the Eastern / Western 8th Councils.

6. Decrees of Vatican I.

7. Pre Vatican II Popes Condemn the Very Liberalism Affirmed by Vatican II & Its Popes.

8. Papal Forgeries & Temporal Power.

9. Orthodox Anathema Service from the 7th Council.

10. Yazidi Honoring of Satan.

11. Rite of Orthodoxy With Anathemas.

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