Church, Papacy, Schism: The Bizarre Metaphysics of the Papacy – Jay Dyer

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Published On March 9, 2021 » 2256 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Audio/mp3, Bible, Featured, History, Philosophy, The Jay Show, Theology, Video

Today we will look at a classic work that critiques the papacy from a different vantage point.  In an atmosphere of debate that is dominated by throwing outdated, debunked and forgery-based arguments back and forth: Dr. Sherrard’s book is an excellent philosophical critique of the papacy, or more properly philosophical theology.   Although we can’t recommend everything from Dr. Sherrard, we can pick the good from the bad and this work is certainly one of the better.  In a mere 100 pages Dr. Sherrard gives a devastating critique of the metaphysics of the papacy and defends the balanced view of Orthodoxy. Live at 330 PM CST 

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