Serial Killers, The Occult & Mind Control – Pt. 1 Jay Dyer (Half)

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Published On March 6, 2021 » 4964 Views» By admin » Archives, Audio/mp3, Espionage, Featured, Geopolitics, History, Psy Ops, The Jay Show, Video

Is there more at work in many of the famous serial killer cases?  Could some of them be connected in new ways?  What about their military background and training?  What about Vietnam and the wartime period programs?  Could there be an esoteric and occult angle that links them to secret groups, assassins, and networks?  What are the factors and patterns that link many famous serial killers that have recently come to light, building on the work of McGowan? What about MK Ultra and the various programs during the Cold War?  One by one we will deconstruct many curious factors in these dark figures’ lives.  From Manson to Bundy to Dahmer, there are some very odd details few know. Live at 7PM CST 

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