Protestantism Vs Roman Catholicism: 2 Sides of the Same Coin – Jay Dyer

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Published On February 24, 2021 » 2758 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Bible, Featured, Geopolitics, Philosophy, Religion, The Jay Show, Theology

Today I will be doing another deep dive into the dialectical dilapidation known as Protestantism and its Mother, the Latin Papal Church.  I will compare both historically, looking at the ancient canons, the Tradition of the Church, the imbalance between the one and the many, the hyper-centralized Vs. atomized structures of both, the bad exegesis of both, as well as comparing them biblically (including the doctrine of justification), and how both have openly failed in the modern world by collapsing into the world.   We will also be looking at the Charismatic Movement and its offspring prosperity movements, etc. Live at 1PM CST 

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