Introduction to Orthodox Church: Byzantine Theology by Fr John Meyendorff (Half)

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Published On January 24, 2021 » 3783 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Audio/mp3, Featured, Philosophy, Religion, Theology, Video

We have a lot of requests for introduction texts and this one is a classic – used by many Orthodox Seminaries, Byzantine Theology is now our Discord Group’s standard text. The book is an introductory overview by well-known Orthodox theologian and scholar of the 20th century, Fr. John Meyendorff, who is also the author of many excellent works on St. Gregory Palamas and his life and theology. In this work which is our next text to analyze we cover the basics in the public video and in the members’ section we will do a fuller analysis. You can subscribe at the link below for the full talk soon to come!

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