DEBATE REVIEW: God’s Existence – Trent Horn Vs. CosmicSkeptic – Jay Dyer

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Published On January 23, 2021 » 1798 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Audio/mp3, Bible, Featured, Philosophy, Psychology/Sociology, Religion, The Jay Show, Theology, Video

Ready for more? This one was specifically requested by Lewis, so we will analyze the classical apologetic method of Trent Horn Vs. the up and coming torch bearer for the scientism/new atheism crew, Cosmic Skeptic. YourMateTom says he wants to set up a debate with myself and CosmicSkeptic, but we’ll see if that ever happens. As for Horn, we offered to debate him and he would only give me a couple segments on his radio show…months from now (which isn’t enough time to debate the real issues between Rome and Orthodoxy). I haven’t heard this debate, so it will be fresh to my ears like yesterday’s WLC debate. The debate is hosted on Matt Fradd’s channel (who is also terrified of a debate).

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