Jesuits, OSS/CIA & Vatican 2 – Analysis 2 – Wemhoff’s Book (Half)

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Published On November 2, 2020 » 3707 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Audio/mp3, Bible, Espionage, Featured, Geopolitics, Global Elite Books Series, Religion, The Jay Show, Video

We return to the next half of Wemhoffs massive tome and compare the next few hundred pages with other works covering Vatican 2 from the various sectors of Roman Catholic writers and theologians, including Davies, Martin and more.  Many talks have covered the theological and liberal Protestant and “eastern” ideas at Vatican II, but few have taken on the geopolitical impact as in-depth as Wemhoff.  We will look at Bill Donovan, Murray, Henry Luce and the Jesuits like Teilhard in this talk, trying in Martin’s sections on Teilhard. Subscribe below for the full lecture.  Live at 730 PM CST 

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