A New Order: A Globalized Encyclical Following Pachamama – Part 1- Jay Dyer / Snek

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Published On October 15, 2020 » 2270 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Audio/mp3, Bible, Culture, Featured, Geopolitics, Philosophy, Politics, Psy Ops, The Jay Show, Theology, Video

Snek joins me to cover the sobering facts concerning the new papal encyclical, Fratelli Tutti of Pope Francis which sent shockwaves throughout the Roman Catholic world.  Was it somehow salvageable or was it the next logical stage after Vatican 2 and pacha mama?  Snek and I will deconstruct the work as well as the utterly disunited world of Rome, which was supposedly united on the basis of the papacy. Snek’s video mentioned is here.

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