Was Vatican 2 Infallible? Are Catholics Imploding?

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Published On October 3, 2020 » 2104 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Audio/mp3, Bible, Books/Literature, Featured, Philosophy, Religion, The Jay Show, Theology, Video

Today I will cover the popular mythologies surrounding Vatican 2 and its status, contrasted with previous Catholic “dogma” and teaching.  Was it infallible?  Does the individual Catholic have the right to “judge” the rulings and the Roman See?   Do fallible Catholic theologians tell us ultimately when and where Vatican II was “infallible”?  What is the higher epistemic criteria the individual RC has to adjudge when the “dogma” is infallible and when it is not?  What about the pre-Vatican II Encyclicals? The SSPX and the ongoing internal implosion among the RC “trads”?  While this chat will be supplemental to the Wemhoff book that is next in line, it is not directly connected to it.

Vatican 2 is dogmatic – 4 documents proving it:

1. Pope Francis’ speech 

2. Pope John XXIII opening of Vatican II

3. Paul VI speech clarifying Vatican II

4. Pope Pius XI – Casti Conubii #104 (RCs are bound to more than merely what is “extraordinary magisterium”)

The Fr Heers talk mentioned on heresy 

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