The Role of the Church Fathers: Replying to Bishop Barron – Jay Dyer / Snek

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Published On September 29, 2020 » 2335 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Audio/mp3, Bible, Featured, History, Philosophy, The Jay Show, Theology, Video

Snek joins me to cover a key point in regard to contrasting the Second Vatican Council’s attempt to integrate the “eastern” and “patristic” insights and attitudes so the “church” can “breathe with both lungs.”  Of course, the Orthodox Church never lost the patristic mind and never had a need to “return” to a period of the Fathers, since there was no “period” of the Fathers.  The experience of the Fathers is the same experience of the Orthodox Church up to today. We will be replying to the ironic admission in this video of Barron and Camoron Batuzizi.

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