Bourne Mind Control

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Published On July 9, 2020 » 3405 Views» By admin » Archives, Esoteric Hollywood Episodes, Espionage, Featured, Film Review/Analysis, History, Psy Ops

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By: Jay Dyer

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I’m including both Bourne Legacy and Total Recall in the same analysis because both were released around the same time and both contain similar themes.  Of course both are from books, and both are packed with the esoteric, despite both receiving mediocre reviews.  I enjoyed both tremendously, and Bourne Legacy was especially packed with espionage and semiotic dissembling.  Both deal with agents being run by all-encompassing systems that control reality almost en toto.   In Bourne Legacy, we are introduced to the latest (public info) on nanotech and bio-engineering–particularly the attempt to create a supersoldier.   We have thus passed the realm of mere MKULTRA mind-controlled assassins.  We have now passed into the realm of geo-engineered nano-soldiers that have their minds wiped of the past, and are reprogrammed to do the bidding of the geo-political chess masters who handle them.

For Bourne, the plot revolves around the need to take a certain pill to stabilize the effects of altered DNA.  I have, in many instances, engaged in debates with people who deny the existence of any such nano-tech DNA manipulation and in particular, race-specific bio-weapons that have been written about for decades, including recent publications in medical journals, the Sunshine Project, the PNAC, as well as other citations given several times on this blog.  Here is a DARPA video from 1997 that includes an illustration of unconventional pathogen measures designed to destroy the viral DNA.   If the DNA of a virus can be attacked, then the DNA of humans can, as well, and in particular the DNA of certain races.  While this may not be “PC,” since most people deny that there even are races, the shadow establishment marches on already light-years ahead of the multi-kulti moron public engineering all manner of variations in underground labs and level 4 bio-weapons factories. I want to again stress that this video is from 1997.

The pill-taking soldier is a thing of the past with the rise of bio-engineering.  Transhumanism will come to replace the older temporary modifications, as men merge with machines.  Billions of dollars of the black budget are spent on this research from MIT and other secret sites.  The transhumanist goal of course being immortality, a version of the philosopher’s stone, while the more immediate goals are advanced unconventional warfare techniques.    I recall first viewing the later seasons of the X-Files that dealt with the supersoldiers and thinking they were absurd, yet clearly the revelation of the method there was also accurate–there are supersoldiers, functioning as a kind of hybrid between the MKULTRA programs and nanotechnology.  Just this week the New Scientist posted an article on synthetic cyborg tissue.   The article states:

“They beat like real heart cells, but the rat cardiomyocytes in a dish at Harvard University are different in one crucial way. Snaking through them are wires and transistors that spy on each cell’s electrical impulses. In future, the wires might control their behaviour too.”

In both films, this theme is the dominant one, with a little false memory programming and geo-political gaming to top it all off.  In Total Recall, the British Empire triumphs as the only future empire, following upon a biological warfare plague that has engulfed the globe outside of the UK and the “Colony,” which functions basically as the US.  In the Total Recall narrative, the “Colony” is led by a revolutionary egalitarian (French/Italian Grand Orient Mason) whom the establishment brands as a “terrorist.”  The British monarchical police state is run by elites who stage terror attacks and are big bad nasties.    Apparently it still hasn’t occurred to Hollywood screenwriter types and other leftists that the egalitarian revolutionaries are generally far worse and end up killing millions more than the so-called humanitarian fantasies the utopian liberal revolutionaries hope to establish.   In this scheme, as is usually the gnostic narration, Colin Farrell’s character is trapped in a dreamworld/Matrix where the system as a whole must be collapsed for the true gnosis-liberation to occur.  We’ve seen this theme repeated tirelessly, with Dark City, the Matrix, Tron, Labyrinth, and a dozen other movies, as I’ve outlined many times.

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