Roman Catholic Papacy Subverted….By the Franks! Jay Dyer / Snek

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Published On May 26, 2020 » 2328 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Audio/mp3, Featured, Geopolitics, History, Philosophy, Religion, The Jay Show, Theology, Video

Snek joins me to cover the issue of the Frankish subversion of the papacy – contrary to the erroneous opinion of many trads, the papacy was subverted by the carolingians and hence their rejection of the 7th ecumenical council and addition of the Filioque. This marks, according to Siecienski, a divorce from Byantium and the Orthodox Imperium. Thus we see not only Siecienski but other key witnesses vindicating the Frankish Thesis, showing St. Photios was correct all along.  See also Romanity or Barbarity by Philippides.

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