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Published On January 28, 2020 » 2892 Views»
80s arcana, Conspiracy, Esoteric Hollywood Episodes, Esoteric/Speculation, Featured, Film Review/Analysis, Philosophy, Religion, The Jay Show, Video
#darkcity #alexproyas #hollywood Dark City presents a dream world, wherein a group of alien-like archons or angelic rulers/daemons known as the “Strangers” control manufactured city by “tuning” it every night, meaning the city is re-created and it’s rat-like inhabitants are implanted with new memories. They are able to conform physical reality by will alone (“tuning”), and one of their subjects, John Murdoch, eventually attains this ability. Immediately, we realize the basic theory of “magick” at work, which is the act of conforming reality to your will. However, the Strangers do it by telekenesis, and eventually so does John Murdoch.
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