Sedevacantism Proves Orthodox Theology – Jay Dyer

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Published On November 23, 2019 » 4257 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Books/Literature, Featured, Philosophy, Psy Ops, The Jay Show, Theology, Video

Continuing our cult series, we will tie in our planned demolition of the fringe Roman Catholic world with the sedevacantist movements.  Sharing no unifying position or headship, the sedevacantist world is a dizzying one of wandering “bishops,” spooks, kooks and crooks, as we mentioned in our brief video last year, but we have yet to dissect the roots of its key theological mistakes and our friend John C. Pontrello has done just that in his excellent book The Sedevacantist Delusion: How Vatican II’s Clash with Sedevacantism Supports Eastern Orthodoxy.  Noting that both Novus Ordo Catholics and sedevacantists *both* get things right and wrong, Pontrello masterfully dissects the basic presuppositional errors in both systems and shows that only Orthodoxy is in harmony with the Church of the first millennium. His book is here.

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