Disproving the 5 Ways of Thomas Aquinas & Actus Purus – Jay Dyer (Half)

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Published On August 25, 2019 » 4330 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Audio/mp3, Featured, Philosophy, The Jay Show, Theology, Video

The Val show is on hold since today is a perfect day to contrast the Thomistic view of analogia and actus Purus to the Logos/Logoi doctrine of St Maximos as well as exploring why we don’t do “natural theology” in Orthodoxy, as Fr Staniloae explains in his masterful Orthodox Dogmatics Vol. 1. We will go through the Summa section by section, as well as looking at the Scotist irrelevance and contrast this with the Orthodox dogma as laid down in the 6th council. Contrary to the Thomists, who have now become a gaggle of outright liars, we will see that the usage of Aristotle between east and west differs. St. Maximos and St. John of Damascus were using Aristotle differently, as Bradshaw demonstrated in his Aristotle East and West. How does this alter one’s theology? Apologetics? What about transcendental arguments?

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