Laurel Canyon, The Source Family Cult & Fabio – Jay Dyer + Boiler Room

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Published On March 28, 2019 » 2418 Views» By admin » 80s arcana, Archives, Conspiracy, Culture, Featured, Philosophy, Religion, Video


Apologies the gain was up too high for the first few minutes of discussion but I even it out. The crew gathers to discuss the latest insane news and nonsense: Fabio, cuddle parties, laurel canyon and the source family cult, and more!

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM – Uninterruptible Talk Radio – on ACR

Join Hesher, Spore, Randy J, Jay Dyer and Fvnk$oul for a meeting of the Social Rejects Club think tank. The show kicks off with an Icelandic woman who says she is having relationships with Elves in the Icelandic forests, Amazon selling some questionable “sex dolls,” and yet again one of the previously covered oddities from BOILER ROOMs of yore returns, the “cuddle party” is back in the news feeds. Once the oddities are complete the gang takes a look back at another recurring topics on the show, the histories Cults, Cult Leaders and the ways in which these organizations have been involved in spreading CULTural aspects of social engineering

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