Jordan Peterson, Transcendental Arguments, Atheism & Esoteric Hollywood – Jay Dyer/Danny Roddy

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Published On February 13, 2019 » 3601 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Audio/mp3, Books/Literature, Conspiracy, Featured, Geopolitics, Philosophy, Religion, Video

Danny Roddy invited me on his channel/podcast to discuss my work. We cover the Cold War, the CIA and Hollywood, my books and debates and talks, the writings of Salk and Brzezinski, process philosophy and Hegel, and much more!

Genetics is now engaged in a controversy between those who insist on the primary importance of the gene, and those who oppose them. The contestants have often yielded to the temptation to support and accepted doctrine rather than an orderly and systemic search for a rational explanation.” Carl C. Lindegren (Cold War in Biology, 1966)

Social Darwinism serves the Oligarchy (i.e., ‘death is just as important as life’) — “I intend to show you how neo-Darwinism has been invalidated within science itself, as an explanation of how life on earth has evolved and is evolving. It is nevertheless still perpetrated by the academic establishment, if only because it serves so well to promote genetic engineering, a technology that has the potential to destroy all life on earth. Furthermore, neo- Darwinism reinforces a worldview that undermines all moral values and prevents us from the necessary shift to holistic, ecological sciences that can truly regenerate the earth and revitalize the human spirit.” Mae-Wan Ho

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