Renegade Inc: Lights Camera Redaction Feat. Dr. Alford & Jay Dyer

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Published On December 10, 2018 » 2617 Views» By admin » 80s arcana, Archives, Books/Literature, Conspiracy, Espionage, Featured, Film Review/Analysis, Geopolitics, Philosophy, Religion, Video

Security Services Cinema – Lights, Camera, Redaction. It was the screenwriter Blake Snyder who said that screenplays are Swiss clocks of emotion. But what effect on society do screenwriters have if their work is being influenced by institutions that push a government narrative? Could that Swiss clock of emotion be used nefariously to further geopolitical agendas – or is that just conspiracy theory from cloud cuckoo land? Host Ross Ashcroft is joined by author of ‘Reel Power, Hollywood cinema and American supremacy’, Dr. Matthew Alford and a few interview questions with Jay Dyer toward the end.

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