Hailed by the establishment for decades as the “greatest modern philosopher in the world” and as the “greatest logician,” we see how paper-thin and easily refuted the theses of Bertrand Russell are. 20 years later Russell penned his “Nobel winning” book Impact of Science on Society that was a rehash of everything in The Scientific Outlook. Under the guise of “SCIENCE” and “REASON” we see the obvious scam of globalism, technocracy and a call for the absolute necessity of a one world order based on fear-porn, peak oil and other such nonsense like climate disasters – far prior to the Club of Rome. Russell was a buffoon and a fraud and it is evident in in this talk, as well as the previous talk on Scientific Outlook. The supposed “democrat” and man of the people was not only a lying deceiver, he called for mass genocide and re-education of all who still believed in God, family and nation. Russell was a maniac.
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