NPC Meme Magic Metaphysics Explained – Jay Dyer / Patrick Henningsen

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Published On November 21, 2018 » 4461 Views» By admin » Archives, Audio/mp3, Conspiracy, Culture, Featured, Philosophy, Psy Ops, Psychology/Sociology, Religion, The Jay Show

Spawned from the message boards and discussion threads of 4Chan and Reddit, a new breed of internet memes has taken the internet by stealth, first as novel creative vehicles for political banter, and then to trending juggernauts. A new crowd-sourced ‘meme’ subculture is pitting the power of political satire against the culture wars for a virtual battle royale. What seems to be rudimentary symbolism, carries with it multiple themes – some of which reflect conditions within society and the polity. Following on the heals of controversial Pepe the Frog meme, a new gamer-inspired meme, the #NPC meme, aka ‘NPC Wojak‘, which took Twitter by storm in a matter of days. Unable to contain this latest organic craze, partisan digital technocrats and Silicon Valley thought police are now panicking, and have since resorted to a draconian regime of censorship which appears to want to restrict the propagation memes online. The full talk can be found by subscribing to 

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