Debate: Infidel Vs Jay Dyer – Atheism and Scientism Vs the Logic of Science – BOILER ROOM

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Published On November 19, 2018 » 2310 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Audio/mp3, Bible, Conspiracy, Featured, Philosophy, Religion, Science, September 11th, Theology

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room – Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACR

This episode crashes the party with the story of a criminal case that is using Amazon “Alexa” (voice activated technology) audio files collected during the commission of a violent crime for prosecution evidence and the ramifications of a world where this style of corporate surveillance is quickly becoming the new normal. Bear witness to the epic debate between scientist and philosopher theologian as Infidel Pharaoh and Jay Dyer debate the boundaries between scientific method, logic and empiricism. Bring it on home with some heavy hitting commentary on where the world is headed with the technocratic push towards full out surveillance state and Chinese modeled “social credit” in the coming years.

Join Hesher, Spore, Jay, Infidel and Randy J for another gathering of the ACR Brain Trust, here in the Social Rejects Club House… The Boiler Room!

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