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Published On January 6, 2017 » 3071 Views»
Audio/mp3, Conspiracy, Culture, Esoteric Hollywood Episodes, Esoteric/Speculation, Featured, Film Review/Analysis, Psy Ops, Psychology/Sociology, September 11th, The Jay Show, Video
In this podcast we delve into the many signs and symbols in the biggest films covered in the book. From Blade Runner to Labyrinth to E.T., we survey social engineering, Conspiracy Theory, Hollywood CIA, The Saint, Plato’s allegory of the cave, waking people up through movies, the source of creative impulses, propaganda, Laurel Canyon and Lookout Mountain, Man Ray and the Black Dahlia, Radiohead and 9/11, Philip K. Dick, sex bot replicants, Prometheus, esotericism and the occult in Hollywood, gnostic theatrics, Howard Hughes and Orson Welles, F for Fake, fake news, Citizen Kane and much, much more!
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