Dialectics – Hegel & Man’s Metaphysical Problem

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Published On October 9, 2016 » 2581 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Archives, Bible, Featured, Global Elite Books Series, History, Philosophy, Religion, Theology

Mike Spaulding at Soaring Eagle Radio invited me on to discuss theology, philosophy, apologetics, Marxism and geopolitics. “The intentional process of radical social change demands continual tension or crisis. In the book, Readings in Social Psychology by Theodore Newcomb and Eugene Hartley, published in 1947, we see the formulations of modern change theory and practice defined for educators. Author Berit Kjos states, “This book helped lay the foundation for the psycho-social strategies that have transformed education and culture around the world. Based on the research begun at Tavistock (England), continued at the Frankfurt Institute (Germany) then moved to MIT, Columbia University, Stanford and various tax-funded “Educational Laboratories” after World War II, it established the strategies for brainwashing that now permeate our schools, media and organizations.” Kenneth Goff, member of the U.S. Communist Party in the 1930’s remarked that, “We were trained in all phases of warfare, both psychological and physical for the destruction of the Capitalistic society and Christian civilization. In one portion of our studies we went thoroughly into the matter of psychopolitics. This was the art of capturing the minds of a nation through brainwashing and fake mental health.” Raymond Houghton, in his book, To Nurture Humaneness, “…absolute behavior control is imminent…. The critical point of behavior control, in effect, is sneaking up on mankind without his self-conscious realization that a crisis is at hand. Man will… never self-consciously know that it has happened.” What is the dialectic method and how is it used to build consensus and change? Is it a form of subtle brainwashing? What part has the movie industry played in advocating change? This episode of SER is my conversation with cultural analysis and commentator Jay Dyer – but be forewarned – your perspective on what constitutes reality is about to undergo a radical transformation.”

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