Jay Dyer on the Brussels Attacks, Predictive Programming Numerology & EU Babel

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Published On April 3, 2016 » 1137 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Audio/mp3, Conspiracy, Espionage, Geopolitics, Philosophy, Psy Ops, September 11th

Jay Dyer returns to Tim Kelly’s “Our Interesting Times,” to discuss his piece “TERROR THEATRE: The EU Babel, Brussels Attack Numerology & Media Fakery.” We talk about the terrorist attacks in Brussels and the evidence indicating that they were yet another “Gladio style” false flag event staged by elements within NATO and western intelligence agencies. We discuss media fakery, the possible esoteric meaning in these staged events and the role numerology appears to play in them. Later we talk about how demographic warfare, weaponized culture and other forms of psychological warfare are being used to prepare Europe and the entire world for the imposition of a globalist order that is both an amusement park and gulag.

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