The Metaphysics of Hollywood Mind Control Magic: Jay on Truth Frequency

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Published On March 1, 2016 » 2774 Views» By admin » Audio/mp3, Books/Literature, Conspiracy, Culture, Esoteric/Speculation, Film Review/Analysis, Philosophy

Chris Geo invited me on Truth Frequency Radio to discuss esoteric symbolism in film.  We cover numerous films, including The Truman Show, Dark City, The Matrix, Alias, Toy Soldiers, Minority Report, Close Encounters, Terminator, Logan’s Run, Spielberg films and simulacrum predictive programming or pre-scripting, Hollywood “magic,” correspondences, and several more.  From there, we discuss religions, cults and worldviews, archetypes, gnosticism and esoterica in relation to naming a thing (with a treatment of perception management and the portrayal of gods and goddesses), and how this relates to mind control and mass brainwashing.  We also mention hellfire and brimstone preaching as a technique borrowed by Huxley and the megastate for the “war on terror.”

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