Metaphysics of Twin Peaks: Jay Dyer & Sean Stone

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Published On July 9, 2015 » 2654 Views» By admin » Conspiracy, Culture, Esoteric/Speculation, Film Review/Analysis, Religion

Buzzsaw uploaded a highlight from Sean Stone and I discussing the metaphysical keys to Twin Peaks.  Here is the video, as well as a link to my full-length analysis of the esoteric elements in the series, in anticipation of the show returning soon to Showtime.

Twin Peaks and the angelic language and script of the Anunnaki, and the interconnected subconscious communication that links all living things is discussed with author Jay Dyer. How dark magic traditions of blood sacrifice and destroying innocence, as well as David Lynch’s complex understanding of parallel universes and bridging the gap between this world and ‘another place’ are explored in this excerpt from the Buzzsaw interview, hosted by Sean Stone.
Watch the full length Buzzsaw here:…

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