IQ, Psy Ops and the “Civilization” of the Scam

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Published On May 26, 2015 » 4090 Views» By admin » Conspiracy, Economics, Espionage, Psy Ops, Psychology/Sociology

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By: Jay Dyer

Cognitive dissonance is the firewall that exists in most minds when confronted with a challenge to their basic beliefs about the world.  As it is human nature to avoid admitting being in error or having been duped, for most humans the ego zealously flees the admission to oneself of significant error.  Challenges to our worldviews or paradigms of belief are also quite jarring – they can unsettle our comfortable existence and lead us to question everything we held dear, and might even lead to psychological or spiritual crises when the consideration of being fundamentally in error is on the table.

As a result, the ego erects a series of firewalls to protect its fragility in order to maintain the schemas, or archetypal systems of symbols, that have been erected in the mind since birth.  These structures, even if manifestly in error, are still mysteriously propped up by the mind or ego because of the psyche’s desire for order and meaning – “everything in its place,” to quote Radiohead.  However, for those who enter arenas where the goal is to challenge these structures of belief, such as religion, philosophy or even alternative information, being open to the possibility of change is required.

In my experience, the process of continual learning has been the only path that resulted in true growth in understanding, while those who over the years were angered or frustrated by my own experiments in various paradigms became a thorn in the side.  In my mind, this is a powerful vindication of the Dunning-Kruger effect, where the illusion of cognitive bias functions to give close-minded individuals an air of superiority, paradoxically unable to grasp how much they don’t know precisely because they presume to know.  In such cases we have a powerful presentation of the ego point made above, that the fear of error and the unknown provokes the firewall reaction to prop up the existing paradigm lest the psyche undergo any tough transformation.

Relating this idea to classical mythology, I have titled this the mystery of the serpentine mirror, where the fallen psyche demands the rest of the world reflect its own narcissistic projections perfectly, as in a mirror, and when the external world fails in this high demand, various pathologies and disorders result, leading to delusion, mania, psychopathy, etc.  A good example of this can be seen in the mass delusion of relativism, where no facts are objectively true or certain, aside from the relativistic ego’s solipsism.  The relativistic psyche’s projection of its whims and demands upon the external world is manifestly not true, and yet despite every fact of daily life testifying to this delusion (that the world is not chaotically relative), the ego consistently props up the lie that it is.

So far, we have been considering this matter from the perspective of psychology and philosophy, but this microcosmic level can be expanded to understand things on a macroscopic level.  When considered at the social or geopolitical level, the scientific understanding of paradigms and worldviews have long been the subject of research for corporations, think tanks, and intelligence agencies.  Since advertising and psychological warfare have similar goals, the application of the above principles are thus fitting for intelligence agencies and social engineering techniques.

In a somewhat famous psychological warfare document, Timothy Thomas assesses the analogy of the human body and mind to a biological computer as follows in “The Mind Has No Firewall”:

The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, and peripheral nervous system, the signals sent from the cortex region of the brain to other parts of our body, the tiny hair cells in the inner ear that process auditory signals, and the light-sensitive retina and cornea of the eye that process visual activity.[2] We are on the threshold of an era in which these data processors of the human body may be manipulated or debilitated. Examples of unplanned attacks on the body’s data-processing capability are well-documented. Strobe lights have been known to cause epileptic seizures. Not long ago in Japan, children watching television cartoons were subjected to pulsating lights that caused seizures in some and made others very sick.”

Thomas proceeds to discuss the potential uses and abilities of psychotronic weapons and psy op techniques used in tandem with advanced technology to disrupt the body’s equilibrium and stasis processes.  While the mind may have no firewall, the ego does, and the weaponization of highly advanced technological strategies for psychological warfare and infowar manipulation are far beyond anything previously dreamt.  Rather than openly attacking the ego’s fragile prop of relativism, the deeper program is rather to further the promulgation of complete and total relativism to aid the ego in propping up the myth of narcissism and relativism.  In other words, the entirety of modernity and its consumerist agenda in the global, technocratic age requires the promulgation of mass relativism, offering a kind of opium to the ego for its solipsistic myth, telling each that he is a virtual god.

Why might this be?  Wouldn’t the technological and governing elite prefer a strong, critically thinking populace, and therefore raising the status of the state in general?  Absolutely not, and the mass of the so-called “educated class” tends to assume this is the case.  For the general populace with an IQ distribution in the 115-125 area – our lawyers, doctors and professionals, the presumptive delusion is that nation states still exist and function in the forms and through the medium mass propaganda projects.  None of that is true, of course, but this curious class of persons is paradoxically the very engine and prop of the parasitical superstructure itself.   “Support the troops,” and “America will never forget” are the propaganda chants of this class, despite the fact that the technocratic and banking elite with a couple dozen more IQ points tacked onto those numbers are well aware of the façade, understanding that the traditional “nation-state” is no longer the actual reality.

In my estimation, there is therefore a kind of Dunning-Kruger effect for different IQ distribution groups, not just the presumed superiority of the lower IQ groups’ delusion, but also in higher groups where we encounter the pillars and engines of social order (scientists, doctors, lawyers, etc.).  This class of persons curiously suffers its own forms of deluded superiority owing to the same ego-fragility and relativistic delusions that recall Socrates’ questioning to the artisans and politicians of his day.   Whether it be the local craftsman or the slightly more clever (or cunning) politician, Socrates discovered the same delusion persisted, that each class of persons presumed to know, when in fact, they did not.  And for both the lower class wage worker, up to the “wise” politician, the delusory effect was the same.

At root in both classes is the acceptance of the preferred delusion, the paradoxical flaw of perennial man, that he presumes to know, when in fact he does not.  Despite the obvious fact of human limitation and finitude, and despite the amazing discoveries of science and technology that occur now on a daily basis, human hubris prefers its own perpetual delusions for the limited dopamine high effect imagined “power” produces.  This process of the furtherance of delusion and reflected power, I contend, is actually desired by the existing establishment, as it quite clearly the most powerful means of keeping target audiences in their desired niche, and the target audiences, due to their limitations in IQ, resources, etc., thus prefer to remain in those very delusions.

Perception management is much simpler when philosophical relativism, an opium of the ego, is the systematic mass delusion.  Thus, the furtherance of relativism as a kind of mass virus computer programming (that piggybacks well with the fallen psyche).  Thomas continues, echoing the “body as a biological computer” analogy that naturally dominates our technocratic age:

“This “systems” approach to the study of information warfare emphasizes the use of data, referred to as information, to penetrate an adversary’s physical defenses that protect data (information) in order to obtain operational or strategic advantage. It has tended to ignore the role of the human body as an information- or data-processor in this quest for dominance except in those cases where an individual’s logic or rational thought may be upset via disinformation or deception. As a consequence little attention is directed toward protecting the mind and body with a firewall as we have done with hardware systems. Nor have any techniques for doing so been prescribed. Yet the body is capable not only of being deceived, manipulated, or misinformed but also shut down or destroyed–just as any other data-processing system. The “data” the body receives from external sources–such as electromagnetic, vortex, or acoustic energy waves–or creates through its own electrical or chemical stimuli can be manipulated or changed just as the data (information) in any hardware system can be altered.”

I have written before about ELF/VLF and various psychotronic frequency manipulation weapons, and how they are linked with pop culture as whole, but here we have another psy ops document discussing it in detail in 1998.  Readers have found some of my past research and argumentation quite fanciful and speculative, yet this simply arises from ignorance and the Dunning-Kruger effect mentioned above.  The scientific precision of techno-psy ops is far advanced beyond what only students of the subject understand.  What is curious to me is the inability of the 115-125 IQ distribution to comprehend or consider this subject, despite that group’s tendency toward empirical evidence, verifiable data, etc.  Quite remarkably, the perception management of infowar and data management itself remains “hidden in plain sight” to this niche:

“Solntsev also examined the problem of “information noise,” which creates a dense shield between a person and external reality. This noise may manifest itself in the form of signals, messages, images, or other items of information. The main target of this noise would be the consciousness of a person or a group of people. Behavior modification could be one objective of information noise; another could be to upset an individual’s mental capacity to such an extent as to prevent reaction to any stimulus. Solntsev concludes that all levels of a person’s psyche (subconscious, conscious, and “superconscious”) are potential targets for destabilization. According to Solntsev, one computer virus capable of affecting a person’s psyche is Russian Virus 666. It manifests itself in every 25th frame of a visual display, where it produces a combination of colors that allegedly put computer operators into a trance. The subconscious perception of the new pattern eventually results in arrhythmia of the heart. Other Russian computer specialists, not just Solntsev, talk openly about this “25th frame effect” and its ability to subtly manage a computer user’s perceptions. The purpose of this technique is to inject a thought into the viewer’s subconscious. It may remind some of the subliminal advertising controversy in the United States in the late 1950s.”

In other words, the information noise and distraction propounded in mass media, as well as the information overload of the Internet is itself an aspect of psychological warfare.  I have recently mentioned this notion in interviews on several podcasts, but I think my thesis was somewhat unclear.  The above is one example of how sophisticated this form of psy ops was in 1998, and certainly it has become far more advanced since.  The amazement comes when one considers that this is therefore true of mass media in general as a tool of psy ops.  With this in mind, we can begin to understand how CNN can be caught running fake war footage, and then a week later baby-boomers still tune in (and of course the same is true of all the big network and local news channels).

In other words, the technique of highly advanced technological psy ops, which is employed throughout mass media, means that mass media itself is a form of psy ops.  The medium is weaponized, and the publication of its weaponization is a “revelation of the method” in the same sense as a cheating woman gaming her duped beta male provider gaslights him by throwing it in his face.  It is a full-frontal delusion that manages perception by the denial of basic, empirical sense reality.  This is how the populace, even its educated class, can fail to see the implication of the admission that some half of the scientific literature in “peer reviewed” journals is false, that the economic super-structures are all rigged, and that those same superstructure banks launder drug money – they can be shown all this, and still remain in the delusion.  Why?  Because the scientific process of this behavior modification appeals to the ego’s own desire to think it can determine its own reality.  It would prefer to believe the hoax because the hoax is easy, comforting and sends warm fuzzies up the leg:

War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses.

I believe in adequate defense at the coastline and nothing else. If a nation comes over here to fight, then we’ll fight. The trouble with America is that when the dollar only earns 6 percent over here, then it gets restless and goes overseas to get 100 percent. Then the flag follows the dollar and the soldiers follow the flag. -General Smedley Butler

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