Masculine Wisdom/Feminine Matter: the Drug-Fractured Psyche

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Published On March 26, 2014 » 5797 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Audio/mp3, Conspiracy, Esoteric/Speculation, History, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology/Sociology, Theology

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By: Jay Dyer

While reading John Marks’ famous book The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, the chapter on drugs and MKULTRA elucidated a deep insight.   Some of the earliest pioneers of drug research for intelligence purposes noticed that hallucinogens resulted in the depersonalization and dividing of the psyche into fragmentation.  This fragmentation was later engineered to be “alternate” personae in the test subject that could be programmed with certain messages and key words to unlock the hidden information.  There are countless books and movies about the divided psyche and mind control, but what about the deeper question of the dividing itself?  Why did the drugs induce a state in which the individual psyche was seen as something to be obliterated and merged with the impersonal “Absolute” (in the case mentioned in the book)?
Modern psychology and intelligence research has plumbed the depths of the psyche, yet rather than quantifying and defining it, more mysteries have been raised.  The average academic propagandizes the mass student that the psyche is mere matter, but clearly philosophy, mathematics and theology show that to be absurd.  From my own observations and research concerning those who have had intense hallucinogenic drug experiences, definite patterns emerge.  One of the most prominent patterns is the sense of the psyche being fragmented, disintegrating and becoming “one” with the all.  The hallucinogen causes a kind of inner journey which shamans of primitive religions have embarked upon for millennia, but the result tends towards the same conclusion: monism.  Yet oddly the philosophical monism adopted invariably leads many of the drugged to feel that their own psyche has fractured, divided, or split.

The so-called “revelations” most experience on the drug trips end up being very monotonous.  It rarely occurs to the drugged that their narcissistic “insights” are one and the same as ancient pagan and eastern religions.  Reality is thus viewed as an “illusion,” a “trick,” a product of their own mind (solipsism), and who they were/are as a person was annihilated or dismembered.  The drug trip thus tends to result in the unwitting conversion of the drugged to some form of pantheism or animism.  BBC reporter Bruce Parry, for example, logged several hallucinogenic rites and journeys that brought him to similar conclusions.  Modern man’s lack of spiritual connection has allowed the return of ancient shamanism and paganism to reemerge with the 60s revolution.  Unfortunately, the 60’s culture “revolution” was something engineered by elites in the pharmaceutical, banking and intelligence communities.   Researchers Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin have done excellent work in demonstrating that claim here.  The social engineering of revolution was in harmony with the Marxist plan of Theodore Adorno to, along with drugs, promote this very depersonalization and fragmentation through pop music.  He famously stated:

“What radical music perceives is the untransfigured suffering of man…. The seismographic registration of traumatic shock becomes, at the same time, the technical structural law of music. It forbids continuity and development. Musical language is polarized according to its extreme; towards gestures of shock resembling bodily convulsions on the one hand, and on the other towards a crystalline standstill of a human being whom anxiety causes to freeze in her tracks…. Modern music sees absolute oblivion as its goal. It is the surviving message of despair from the shipwrecked.”

That “schizophrenia” he speaks of is what has been achieved in our day.  Schizophrenia is the dividing and fragmenting of the psyche into disconnected, meaningless “parts,” which have no relation to anything or anyone else.  It is the ultimate atomization and alienation, resulting in an arrested development blob of masses that are unable to even reason about what is in their own best interest.   Modernity’s nihilistic suicide pact is something that is not mere happenstance: it has been engineered on purpose by our so-called “elite,” as Irvin shows.  Aldous Huxley famously said:
“But now psycho-analysis is being combined with hypnosis; and hypnosis has been made easy and indefinitely extensible through the use of barbiturates, which induce a hypnoid and suggestible state in even the most recalcitrant subjects.  Within the next generation I believe that the world’s rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.”
The cultural “revolutions” of the 60s resulted in an overturning of most aspects of society in the West.  50 years ago, most women were concerned with domestic affairs and a family. In just five decades, that has been completely reversed to a state where the opposite is now true.  Most women are interested in their career first, with a husband and children functioning as something secondary.  Feminism was also a crucial aspect of that 60s cultural revolution, funded and founded by Abby Rockefeller and her money.  The argumentation of feminism is also the same as the argumentation of other Marxist forms of victimization: immigration and distinctions in citizenship, class, race, and gender must all be dogmatically leveled and erased to achieve a supposed “freedom” and utopian future.

In reality, cultural Marxism is a weaponized system of total psychological warfare on reality.  Cultural Marxism is the war on God, nature and truth, as well as a war on the psyche.  The reality is, humans are not equal, genders are different, and some people can do things others cannot.  Equality thus becomes a corporate state mandated tyranny, when all forms of “unfairness,’ including what God and nature grants, are destroyed. Equality becomes, in a bizarre twist of fate, a war on the best.   Culture revolution becomes a manifestation of the forces of chaos and nihilism, leading to suicide.  And remember – Marxist social engineers like Adorno say explicitly that it is done on purpose, by design.  The negative power of chaos and destruction are parasitic, operating like cancer or radioactive particles, killing life.  But what is the connection between the drug revolution, materialism, feminine and masculine powers and fragmentation and disintegration?

When we consider archetypes and spirit, we can get a large scale picture of the attempted overturning of patriarchy, order and masculine logos. Logos is the Greek term for logic and reason, and in ancient and Christian theology, Logos refers to the Son of the God, the eternally generated wisdom of the God the Father.  The rise of the feminine, the goddess, Gaia, witchcraft, etc., represents a rebellion against the starting point of order, God Himself.  Though God does not have a gender per se, it is appropriate to associate masculine attributes with God specifically, being revealed in Scripture.  In the Fall, Adam deliberately transgressed, while Eve was deceived.  The rise of materialism thus corresponds to the rise of matter-ism, as is evident from the term itself.  Matter comes from the Latin mater, meaning mother.  Pater is the Latin for Father, and is the basis for the idea of pattern.  From these two archetypal ideas we can glean the association of masculinity with order, reason, logic and form, while the feminine is associated with the cyclical forces of nature, change, temporality and matter.

Matter is divided and in a state of constant flux, yet mysteriously continues to interact with the unchanging mathematical ideals and universals.  Pattern, order and form are integral to beauty, and will always impress and inform matter.  In the same way, the chaotic destruction of matter will always submit in the end to the power of order.  The entire west and modernity in general has experienced a fracturing of the psyche and the forces of chaos and disintegration have taken the ascendant.  Ancient societies, as Schneider notes in the interview below, were holistic and integrated. In nature, the part mirrors the whole.  When societies model nature, harmony and progress truly take place.  When human psyches and social orders give way to fracturing, they collapse, lacking the masculine order of form, instead being ruled by chaotic, uncontrolled forces of base nature.  Powerful entities are aware of these ideas and have attempted to re-engineer the entire social order around a philosophy of materialistic techno utopia.  Until we cease the mass drugging and shamanic trance the public have been placed under, and come to reject the complete inversion of all order and hierarchy through true philosophy and wisdom will we see things truly progress and experience freedom.  Otherwise, equalitarianism and feminism are inverted philosophies that fragment and depersonalize.
See Schneider’s discussion of the mathematical structure of reality.

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