How to Destroy Nations: And Rule Them

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Published On June 16, 2011 » 1736 Views» By jay008 » Archives, Espionage, Featured

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By: Jay Dyer

Bored?  Restless?  Does your secret cabal need something to do more interesting than donning goofy outfits?  Well, look no further–you’ve found the infamous step by step program to destroy nations.   But wait, it gets better. Not just destroying them; you’re going to take them down, and then rule them.  So get your cabal together and let’s talk world domination.

First, your fellow society members need to be well-educated.  You need a hefty dose of the major disciplines and men (and some women) trained in the arts and sciences, with some specializing in various disciplines.  Of particular relevance will be subjects like psychology, philosophy, history, economics and the sciences.  The more “Renaissance Man” your good men are, the better.  Hopefully your cadre has some players that are also good at acting and theater, because you’re going to need to do a lot of acting, lying and mass theater.

The first thing you’ll want to do is banking, so we’re going to establish a centralized bank that used a fiat currency.  The bank is to be established under the guise of “stability,” since a centralized bank that sets the rates of interest gives the appearance of a unifying factor, and which can eventually force all markets and localized economies onto a fiat currency.  As you extend more and more loans, you will be amassing real assets, which amounts, of course, to real wealth.  It may be necessary at first to base the new economy you’re establishing on gold or something real, but this won’t be a problem, inasmuch as over time as you build capital, you can purchase the gold.  Eventually, the gold standard won’t even be necessary, as all the money will be based on non-existent digital debts.

If you don’t have the ability or means to start a central bank in a nation, you’ll have to think more long-term. Establish smaller, simper organizations, like the now-popular fast cash and credit bureau institutions which, over many decades, can grow into large banks.  It is important that in the host nation you are taking down, you promote the new banking institutions as geared toward progress.  These banks are the perfect “capitalist” mechanisms, inasmuch as they are able to produce “profit” (ie, amass real assets), from almost no bottom line!  It is important to promote this under the guise of a “free market” and “deregulation” (which of course, doesn’t exist), and fools the masses who are still caught up in cliché systems and phrases that are now 200 years out of date.

Now that you’ve got your bank in place, you’ll need to start planning on integrating and controlling other areas of commerce and social existence.  Control is the name of the game.  What you’ll want to initially do is set up numerous private foundations that operate under the guise of philanthropy.  You’ve got a bit of wealth now, so you won’t want to run a total scam–you’ll want to build a few museums and schools, but this will work for your advantage as well, as you will be able to control the content of the worldviews you desire to present in these institutions, as we will see in the education step.

Now that you’re a powerful private bank, you’ll want to begin to embed yourself as far as possible in the political process, and that is a key function of your foundation.  The foundations must be named things which sound nice and helpful, using terms such as “freedom,” “arts,” “democracy,” and so on.  For example, the National Foundation for Freedom and Democracy.  You’ll want to staff this foundation with easily controllable “yes men” (and women).  Bureaucratic corporate managerial types will make the perfect foundation directors.  Through the foundations, you will begin to embed yourself into the political process through lobbying politicians, and after you’ve built up your foundations enough, its members will begin to become viable candidates, as well as your banking underlings.  Another added bonus is that your private foundation will also accept donations from the morons who think you are working in their welfare.  This will work especially well with the so-called “left,” who generally worship social programs such as your foundation has now begun to help.  Whether any of these programs and forms of aid actually produce good results is irrelevant. As long as there is the facade of being a philanthropic organization, the masses won’t catch on to the scheme, inasmuch as they are stupid.

Now that you’ve begun to branch out into politics, you can have your candidates begin to pass laws that will benefit your companies.  Since you’ve amassed real wealth, you can buy off these minions and underlings. “But what if some of the underlings catch on, or decide to rebel? How do we shut them up?”  Simple–you won’t have to worry, since for the most part, you own them.  But should one or two here and there begin to buck your system, having found a “conscience” somewhere, all you need do is have dirt on them.  Remember–you didn’t recruit particularly virtuous persons into your foundations and new corporations, but people who are easily compromised that you have dirt on.  Most of the people who you have groomed will be amoral, so outing them to the press should be an easy mechanism to quell dissent within your ranks.

Next, you want to move into education and media.  These are crucial, since these are so useful for moving the masses.  You’ll want to launch your own media organizations and begin to move your way into education by donations, foundations and schools. Remember–all of this is being done under the guise of the so-called free market and a deregulated economy, where you are the engine of “jobs” for the masses.  You can now manipulate the markets since you control the currency, and as your power base expands, your goal is to branch out into other areas of social life.  Again, the game is control.  But it is crucial that all this be done under the name of democracy, since the manipulation of language is just a form of magic which bamboozles the masses, as has always been the case (since “democracy” is in no sense real, anyway).  Whether the entity is actually “democratic” or not is irrelevant. In fact, it isn’t. But humans are geared towards being gullible and accepting what they are told as reality.  Thus we simply name the institution “democratic,” and it is so.  Through the media, we can now build up and create narratives of enemies and threats to further whatever designs are needed.  Terrorism works well in homeland power grabs, as “communism,” which we fund and create as the dialectical opposite of our system, as well as “environmentalism” as a global threat as our power grows international.

Now that we’ve got our hand in education, we want to collectivize at all costs.  Over time, you must incrementally make the public school more and more like a prison–a re-education camp, where the goal is to suppress critical thinking and dissent.  “Belonging,” “tolerance” and alternative religions are key tools by which we remove their drive towards individuality.  Purposefully promote education that is not education at all. It is a form of control, but which will also operate under the guise of the “freedom” of the students to reject classical modes of education in math, arts, sciences, etc.  At all costs, the children are to be kept from classical western learning and principles. These will be the treasures of you and your cadre.  The masses will never appreciate these things, nor understand them anyway.  The danger, however, comes from the reasonable intelligent middle class children and the rare geniuses that arise.  At all costs, these groups are to be neutralized, since they pose the most threat to your designs.  Alienation, rejection and marginalization usually work well for most children, since this is a volatile age where the desire to be accepted is strongest.  Only the strongest willed and smartest ones will continue to rebel, and they are to be dealt with accordingly.  Some may even be watched for many years as potential recruits to your Organization.  For the most part, however, this tact will ensure the future generations of the middle classes pose no threat.  The upper classes will be easier, since by now, you’ve probably begin to build your own prestigious private schools and universities.  These will be allowed a greater modicum of real knowledge, but still within a very controlled paradigm.  Very, very few students will actually be able to break these paradigms due to fear of alienation.

Now it’s time to use media.  Mass media is a great way to also control the rest of the populace, and the same plan we used in the school will be used here in the mass media–including our entertainment complex.  It is important to realize that all of these entities are being weaponized.  We are creating these entities as mechanisms of control and influence, just like we did with our initial central bank.   It is again the middle class alone that possesses any possible threat, since we are here dealing with the doctors, business owners and academics, whose IQs will generally fluctuate around the 110-120 level.  They are intelligent, but they are also very much the status quo.  They represent the engine of the system, and they are the key demographic that we need to hit with all of our guns.  All of our mass media tactics of a somewhat sophisticated nature must be aimed here, since the lower classes and minorities are easily manipulated and controlled by simply believing whatever lies our schools and foundations tell them.  And we must work to pass all forms of legislation and promote only news stories which exalt these lower classes, while demonizing the middle class.

The same goes for the entertainment industry.  We promote and fund the arts that are degenerate and banal, since the arts reflect the soul of a people, and our goal is to remove the enemy nations’ soul.  We are conquering them, but not in the classical militarist form. We are thus weaponizing the culture in order to destroy family and tradition of our enemy.  This will be the crucial role the media and education will play. We will set child against parents, old against, young, middle class (portrayed as “wealthy”) against lower classes, race warfare, etc.  And we do this all through the “democratic free market.”  By blending and “washing out” all these distinct groups, erasing their history and throwing them all into a blender, we cause chaos, from which we will then pose as saviors by bringing order. Once there are chaotic events, we can make key tactical moves for power grabs, especially at the local level, where we have now begun to move our sphere of influence into the local law enforcement sectors.  Such power grabs should be done incrementally, however, as many past rulers and empires have made the mistake of grabbing power too fast, and thus ensuring their own downfall.

Another crucial aspect of your psychological warfare technique will be the use of false dialectics, wherein we will control both sides.   We will offer two candidates, two products, two versions of news, two versions of all kinds of things.  And this dialectic doesn’t have to remain a two-pronged entity, either.  We can create three-tiered, four-tiered, and so on–as many tiers as are needed.  Of course, the more tiers we add, the more intelligent and devious individuals we will need to run them, since we are employing persons who are able to catch on to the game, so these individuals will need to be monitored, but by now we have begun to make inroads into the “intelligence” agencies of the rival nation.  We have ensconced ourselves so well, if all goes by plan, that we can rely on the principle of compartmentalization quite well.   Most individuals and professionals, even highly proficient and intelligent ones generally cannot integrate these different subjects to see how they fit together according to our designs.  The few that catch on can be easily bought or dealt with.  We have now amassed top technological capabilities (and whole companies!), so monitoring them will be quite simple, as we will withhold the most advanced technologies from the masses, and through planned obsolescence gradually increase the enslavement of the populace through degenerate art and access to simulated sex.

This notion of simulated reality is key.  One of the most important aspects of our designs will be to promote fantasy.  Humans generally love lies, and just like Stockholm Syndrome, will eventually fall in love with their captors.  We will even, after gaining significant power, discuss this openly.   Talking openly about it in print (often in fiction) has a multi-layered psychological warfare impetus behind it.  It produces a conditioning to accept it, as well as a chilling effect when the events written and spoken about occur.  The line between fact and fiction is thus blurred, and our perceived ability to now write reality itself is thus enhanced.   We, the shadow government, can speak about our existence, but we don’t actually let our names and identities be known, per se.  Some of our men can be public, but your system will function much better if, for the most part, we remain a shadow government.  All the while the public “democratic” government is the cloak by which we rule, and the masses and middle classes will think the “presidency” and congress are their rulers.  meanwhile, we will engineer society to the goals and future which is most sensible and constitutes real progress, and the masses will not be involved to hold back the advancement.

We have  now won this nation, and it is ours to steer as we see fit.  We may now do as we see fit with the food and water, whether we adjudge population to be slowed or stopped by covert sterilization.   But why stop here?  Our model has proven effective, and, though slight modifications will of course be made according as the needs of the new nations demand, the same basic outline works like a charm. We now take this same model and apply it worldwide.  This will take generations, but the model is foolproof.  The few who catch onto it in toto are thus a small minority and unable to effect any real change.  We control the opposition.

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