Golden Gate Bridge the Next ‘Inside Job’?

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Published On February 26, 2011 » 4755 Views» By jay008 » Books/Literature, Conspiracy, Culture, Esoteric/Speculation, Film Review/Analysis, Psychology/Sociology, Video

The Golden Gate Bridge destroyed in Land of the Lost

[Note: This originally appeared on my old blog a few years ago. The Guardian also wrote a similar piece around that time, however, not connecting it to 9/11 and planned events.]

By: Peter Parker

By now, most ardent followers of crypto-history may have become familiar with the hypothesis that the events of September 11, 2001, were not merely rigged by elements within “the secret government” but in fact heralded by myriad semiotic tip offs intentionally embedded within mass media in the years and months leading up to the attack. The alleged examples are numerous; the pilot episode of the “X-Files” spin-off series “The Lone Gun Men” the plot of which involves the shadow government attempting to instigate a profitable war by crashing a passenger plane into NYC and blaming it on terrorists. (The episode aired mere months before 9-11).

The movie “Gremlins 2: The New Batch”, featuring the titular monsters wreaking havoc in a towering, New York City office building. It is possible that all this is nothing more that a series of coincidences and that people are merely overreaching in an attempt to make sense out of a horrible tragedy.

Bridge taken out in Star Trek (2009)

But let’s, for argument’s sake, say that the power elite really do place symbolic markers in movies, tv, comics, songs, magazines, video games and the like, in an attempt to mock the masses or guide them through implanted, subconscious programing. If this is the case, it might be possible to beat our dark over lords at their own game through a vigilant screening of mass media. With this in mind my brother and I recently became aware of a disturbing trend that might point to something ominous on the horizon.

Within the last few months of 2009, for example, several major films featuring the destruction of another famous American structure: San Fransico’s Golden Gate Bridge. The bridge has been mashed by two battling giants in “Alien’s V.S Monsters”, crushed by falling space ship debris in “Star Trek,” seen lingering in post apocalyptic ruins in “Terminator: Salvation,” half buried in an other dimension in “The Land of Lost” and partial devoured in the direct to dvd flick “Mega Shark V.S Giant Octopus.”

The bridge has, of course, been the victim of Hollywood in previous years, going at least as far back as 1955’s “It Came from Beneath the Sea,” where the culprit was a giant octopus, and again in 1978’s “Superman,” where it is shaken by a nuclear bomb induced earthquake.

In the 80’s the Golden Gate is menaced some more in “Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home” and the James Bond movie “A View to a Kill” but it is in the 21st century that onslaughts on the bridge really pick up. In 2003 it is melted by unfiltered space rays in “The Core” and serves as the battle ground between the Incredible Hulk and a fighter jet in the first Hulk film.

In the 2004 tv movie “10.5” it was wrecked by a quake and in 2006 it was twisted towards Alcatraz by the villainous Magneto in “X-Men: The Last Stand.” Disturbingly, instances of the bridge’s big screen abuse seem to have increased since 9-11, reaching their fever pitch right about nowish.


2012 believers may automatically assume that any possible trouble for the bridge might occur in that year. Interestingly the bridge is in the process of being earthquake proofed and completion of that particular projected is slated for 2012.


If the elite do have something nasty planned hopefully this little article will serve as a warning bell and perhaps even raise enough smoke to cause them to call off their attack. If absolutely nothing happens I’ll just have to pat myself on the back as the greatest hero since Spider-Man!

Captain’s log supplemental: since this article was written, Peter Parker has also noticed the trend in The Book of Eli.



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