Enemy of the State (1998): Pre-9/11 Reference

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Published On December 17, 2010 » 6418 Views» By jay008 » Conspiracy, Culture, Esoteric/Speculation, Film Review/Analysis, Politics, Psychology/Sociology, September 11th

While watching the 1998 film, “Enemy of the State,” I noticed a curious reference to 9/11. A few others online have noticed this as well. As we showed recently, pre-9/11 film references are common, and show more than mere coincidence, especially in the cases of the references in the Simpsons, The Lone Gunmen and the Iron Man cartoon.  This one is peculiar, in that it picks out John Voight’s character, “Reynolds” in the film, who is the head of the NSA and is involved in numerous illegal activities such as wiretapping, spying and tracking.  The film has Will Smith and Gene Hackman on the run from big brother, and is replete with references to the control grid, 1984 and Brave New World. It also thows in a little hint at 9/11 for good measure.

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