Jays Analysis Exclusive: Col. Anthony Shaffer Interview (3 pts)

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Published On November 23, 2010 » 2452 Views» By jay008 » Audio/mp3, Books/Literature, Conspiracy, Documentary, Politics, Video

In a Jay’s Analysis exclusive, I talk spycraft, espionage and current policies and strategies with Col. Anthony Shaffer. Col. Shaffer is a Bronze Star Medal recipient and CIA-trained senior intelligence officer with more than two decades of experience in intelligence. He is currently a Senior Fellow and Special Lecturer at the Center for Advanced Defense Studies in Washington, D.C. In this interview, we discuss his new, controversial book “Operation Dark Heart” which has received attention to due the Defense Department’s censorship of portions of the book.

Spycraft and Special Ops on the Frontlines of Afghanistan – And the Path to Victory

 In the interview, I mention the New York Times’ article concerning the buying up and destroying of original copies. The article is here.

MP3 of the Interview is here.

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