The Satanic Nature of Nazism

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Published On July 17, 2010 » 3772 Views» By jay008 » Apologetics, Conspiracy, Culture, Esoteric/Speculation, History, Religion, Theology

Image of Savitri Devi that Pretty Much Says it All

By: Jay

A couple of years ago, when I first began to look at race studies and “national socialism,” someone (I don’t recall who) argued to me that national socialism was not Teutonic paganism. This is a bunch of bull. It clearly is, and I intend to demonstrate that. What the movement also has is interesting connections with is Hinduism and gnosticism and can also be considered as a forerunner to the modern green movement. Yes, Nazism as a forerunner to the modern green movement. How is this? The key players in demonstrating this claim are Savitri Devi, Heinrich Himmler and other notables of the so-called “traditionalist studies,” such as Julius Evola, Ananda Coomaraswamy as well as the infamous God-hater and fraudster, Madame Blavatsky.

Just as I critiqued the notion of “perennial philosophy” that specifically rejects the biblical God who is in covenantal relationship with man, so these theorists also posit at times a “perennial religion.” What is this? Once again, it is the age-old pantheistic lie that “Nature” is God. You will notice in these writers that, having rejected a personal God, like with Guenon, his move was more gnostic in nature, become a Sufi Muslim. With someone like Savitri Devi, a huge promoter of the Nazi movement and well-known writer of the traditionalist school, Devi makes clear what the agenda is – a green, neo-pagan, polytheistic-that-blends-into-pantheistic mythos that looks to Hinduism and the myth of Aryan “godhood.” Thus the convergence of Devi and Heinrich Himmler’s fables. Devi makes this abundantly clear in this article, which is indisputable proof.

Eugenics, then, is a movement deluded into thinking it can mock God by attempting to, through “nature,” create the evolved godman. Thus the apotheosis of the state in national socialism. The myth of the grail is transferred to an occult labyrinth of nonsense wherein man will achieve his own status as divinity, creating a transhuman continuation of himself, made in his own image, to purportedly live on forever. This is, of course, just as much a lie as the myths and fables of Himmler, Blavatsky and Devi.  Nature is not God, cannot be God, and it is self-evident that is not so. Once one has a conversation or two with the standard neo-pagan, pantheist or whatever other splinter of idolatry in these sects, it becomes clear they could not philosophically argue themselves out of a paper sack. All reality cannot simultaneously be one and not one. And no one lives their daily lives by these absurdities, either, even if they profess to have this “wisdom.”  Another key thing to note is that people in these circles often refer to nature with a capital “N.” For example, Francis Parker Yockey does in Imperium, as does Hitler in chapter two Mein Kampf, for example, and David Duke in his junk.  This is not by accident, in my estimation. It is done because it is a specific rejection of the God of Mt. Sinai – the one true God, and a deifying of nature itself, as Devi makes clear. If you doubt that, you can see this for yourself in what is believed to be a short piece written by Himmler titled “The Voice of Our Ancestors.”

Having read these materials and other at length for research purposes the last couple years, whatever insights might had in Heidegger’s philosophy in terms of ontology or whatever prosaic and interesting ideas might be had in Yockey, for a person who accepts a biblical worldview, they must be rejected as pagans and gnostic heretics. There will not be a godrace, and there will not be a man-made immortality. As certain commentators have noted, following the Western rejection of the personal God of the Bible, the 20th century saw the deification of race, gender and state – all deadly poisons that have ravaged culture and life. Furthermore, a good proof of the overall bogus nature of the claims of national socialism and Yockey is precisely the fact that what they considered nature’s destiny – the triumph of the Aryan will – has failed. No Empire of Europe has triumphed; Catholicism and Jews were not stamped out; the over-race did not appear.  In fact, although the popes are often maligned, the Encyclical of Pius XI on National Socialism rejects the pantheism of the Nazis. Just as in Egypt, when God protected His people and destroyed the empire of man, modern Pharaohs have been unsuccessful and always will be. The real movement of so-called destiny is not pagan destiny and fate, but God’s divine providence.  In the words of Maimonides and perfectly apt:

“The nations will realize they have inherited naught but lies and vanity” (Jer. 16:19)

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